Thankful Tree via Pinterest (
Our family has been making our Thankful Tree over the past couple of weeks. This year I was inspired by the tree (above) that I found on Pinterest. So I tried to be more crafty-ribbons and real twigs-but we all know about me and craftiness. Here’s my version. (I let August cut out most of the leaves.)
So, in honor of Thanksgiving, I’m posting to you all the things that my 3-year-old is thankful for, all of which are displayed on the tree on our kitchen table.
Here’s what the boy gives thanks for, in his words:
- Germs
- Cup
- Daddy
- Storms
- My friend Lightning McQueen
- Poopy in the potty
- Toilet (it goes downhill from here, so I’ll just refrain from listing the rest)
- Milk
- A window
- Cameron
- My head
- A door
- Baby T-Rexy (that’s Brooksie’s other name around our home, for you newbies)
- Mama
(Notice I saved myself for last.)
My list is long so instead of my typical list, I’ll tell you what I’ll most look forward to (and will be grateful for) this Thanksgiving weekend:
- Early morning coffee with my mom, aunt, and grandmother
- Thanksgiving morning: Parade on the TV, apples being peeled at the table, my Grandaddy instructing Chris in his famous turkey and dressing.
- Chris’ attempts at establishing a Boyett family post-meal football game (with all the kids).
- Celebrating Grandaddy’s 90th birthday with a ping-pong party (his favorite…btw, he’s scary good, just so you know).
- Actually being in shape enough to run the 2 miles in the Boyett sibling race.
- Dad’s apple pie
And, in honor of the holiday, a Thanksgiving poem (which I posted last year as well):
by Bruce Guernsey
The potato that ate all its carrots,
can see in the dark like a mole,
its eyes the scars
from centuries of shovels, tines.
May spelled backwards
because it hates the light,
pawing its way, padding along,
there in the catacombs.
My family, including my awesome sister-in-law, and I get to see to them all together tomorrow; my work; embracing change instead of being scared of it; reading your posts! Poetry. xo
Today: Another morning of bright blue sky and falling leaves… a whole day at home to think and write and plan (in between loads of laundry, etc.)… a good friend coming this afternoon for banana bread, french press coffee, and a long, deep conversation…
Love the idea!! Thank you for the inspiration.