Today I’m thankful that I’ve decided to go on a Thanksgiving week hiatus. This was not originally my plan, but after spending yesterday sick as a dog and allowing my son to watch, like, eight episodes of Cailou while I floated in and out of sleepy sick mommy naps, I am making a decision.
Over the next two days, you will probably be flying/driving and Mama:Monk is going to rest. I’m going to close my eyes and go into a deep Thankful sleep.
So, until next Monday, when I will arrive with blog posts galore, I pray your Thanksgiving is full of rest, healthy family interactions(!), and, most of all, thankfulness. Because what’s the point in eating a beautifully roasted turkey if you’re not thankful for its crispy, golden skin?
Happy Thanksgiving, friends. I’ll see you next week.
By the way, my big bro has a Thankful Tuesday post on his blog. Which you should check out, especially if you like reading what other people are thankful for.