My Thankful List
- We lost Chris’ grandfather, Papa Pipe, this past weekend. His death was unexpected. I’ll write more tomorrow about how much we love him and how he will be missed. But today I’m thankful for the way so much lined up in our family before his leaving: sweet and needed conversations between him and family members, a beloved pastor still in town (even though he’s moving soon) to care for our family throughout the weekend, a peaceful and gentle ending. It’s always hard to lose someone you love and we loved Papa, but I think the entire family is sincerely grateful for God’s kindness during the process.
- On Saturday, a very sad day for our family, Chris took a walk with August to the park. It was overcast and soon-to-rain. So, August was happily wearing his rain boots and rain gear. They stepped outside into that gray day and August exclaimed: “What a beautiful day!” Sometimes we just need to hear that.
- My husband cares passionately about Philadelphia sports. I’m thankful he continually gives his heart to his team, even if they shred it into fine bits by swinging at terrible pitches and send that shredded heart out into the misty San Francisco night (where the rest of the city is honking and cheering for your loss). At least we loved the Phillies well this season.
- I’m also thankful that my husband makes me perfectly poached eggs on toast whenever there’s no food left for dinner Saturday night.
- My son wants me to tell him stories all day long. He knows his dad is the most fun for playgrounds and wrestling, but he’s figured out that I’m way better at making up stories. Yes!!!!!
- I’m thankful for quiet moments of sitting still and how that seems to wake little melon baby up. I love this stage when I can barely make out that he’s flipping around in there. Little does he know how tight it’s fixing to be! And how tight my pants will also be…in two months.
- Did I mention I’m having another boy? My dream of a kitchen full of hungry teenaged boys kissing me on the cheek in order to get their bowl of pasta will soon be fulfilled!
- Yesterday I asked August if he wanted any more blueberries in his oatmeal. His answer? “I want fourteen.” Yes, fourteen is definitely the perfect amount.
- I’m thankful that my cat is cuddly and sits on my face when I have a headache. Sometimes it helps.
- That Sleepless in Seattle was on just as I was sad and alone on Saturday night (and just as I discovered a package of Oreos in the fridge).
- I’m thankful our families love us and pray for us and make sacrifices to serve us.
Go ahead and add your Grateful into the mix. It feels good…
October 26, 2010 at 8:27 am
I found your blog through a few clicks this morning and wanted to let you know how much I resonate with it. I’m not a stay-at-home mom (it’s a long story, though sufficient to say I wanted to be), but I still feel the pull of motherhood’s sacrifice, the tension between wanting to be mama and wanting to be me, between motherhood and silence. Thanks for your words - I look forward to reading more!
October 26, 2010 at 4:19 pm
I am thankful for working with real people with real needs who allow themselves to need me! And when I need them are there for me - really there!
October 27, 2010 at 8:01 am
I am so thankful for close friendships with other women who talk and listen and aren’t afraid to be real and who get me.
and thanks for your blog.