Good Thankful

  • For a sweet birthday celebration. Look at that guy in his hat! For a backyard and dear friends and good food and all these kids running around who somehow belong to us. How did that happen?
  • For how turning one automatically makes a baby into a little man. All the sudden Brooksie is such a grown up. Yesterday he insisted on walking all the way into August’s school. No being carried for him. So, I held his hand and we walked like snails across the lawn and into the door and down the hall.
  • For August’s love for science and the ten minutes he spent with his dad looking a silkworm through a microscope yesterday evening.
  • For the picture of a volcano my brother took for August while he was in Nicaragua and texted to me yesterday. (So thankful that my brothers love my kids as much as I love theirs.)
  • For thunder storms and a late night dinner date with an old friend.
  • For the goodness of a full day, the goodness of well-deserved exhaustion.
  • For August’s first ever soccer match on Sunday, which he spent running the opposite direction of the ball and “sliming” pretend dragons on the other side of field.
  • For pulling weeds by the root in the garden while my kids play around me. For sunshine and gardening gloves (even though I know nothing about gardening). Weeding is so satisfying! (It’s satisfying for the same reason I like to tweeze my eyebrows. Don’t tell anyone I said that.)
  • I had a moment last night when I realized how much more at peace I am with how God loves me than I was a year and a half ago. It’s making all the difference in how I live and how free I feel from striving. I used to secretly believe that time wanted to hurt me. Now I am learning how to find joy and satisfaction in the daily.
  • For wonderful news: The lab results are back and my mom is cancer free. All the cancer was contained and was removed in her surgery! So grateful!
  • And for more exciting blog-type news which will be shared in its own post on Thursday. Lots of thankful going on around here…


Filed under Thankful Tuesday

6 Responses to Good Thankful

  1. caq

    I’m so glad to hear about your Mom! Glad for everything else, too, but that’s one that plastered a big grin across my face. xocaq

  2. Yay! For all these things, but especially about your mom! :D

  3. evenshine

    Such a major, major blessing to hear about your mom. Prayer is answered. God is Good.

  4. Making thankfulness lists can give any day a 180. Congrats about your mom!

  5. Christina

    I’m feeling especially thankful after just receiving word that there was a fire on the porch of my parents beach house and my mom and Charlotte are safe. Apparently my mom singly handedly fought the fire which was spreading quickly because of vinyl siding. She came out with few burns but is ok and Charlotte slept through the whole event. Firetrucks,ambulance, axes etc! I’m thankful for God’s protection and timing (adults were awake). I’m also thankful for my mom’s crazy survival instincts!

  6. elissa97211

    yay for the microscope, and the old friend (I’m so glad you have old friends around you!), August’s first soccer match, and weeding compared to eyebrow tweezing-yay for all of it really. I love thankful Tuesdays.

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