Merry Christmas!!!

“Pious imagination and nostalgic music rob Christmas of its shock value, while some scholars reduce the crib to a tame theological symbol. But the shipwrecked at the stable tremble in adoration of the Christ-child and quake at the inbreak of God Almighty. Because all the Santa Clauses and red-nosed reindeer, fifty-foot trees and thundering church bells put together create less pandemonium than the infant Jesus when, instead of remaining a statue in a crib, he comes alive and delivers us over to the fire that he came to light.”

-Brennan Manning (“Shipwrecked at the Stable” from Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas)

May your Christmas be filled with glorious pandemonium…



I’ll be taking this week off from posting while we celebrate. I’ll see you on January 2…

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  1. Pingback: DPP ’11 // December 24th, 25th & 26th // Messy Goodness « These Stones

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